Next-gen queer founder network

We are a global network of queer founders, providing support, resources, and opportunities for collaboration.
A community where top founders build and play
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“Spending an evening surrounded by inspiring and wise founders was magical, whereas being queer was just second nature. It felt like a big family, all telling stories and asking for advice on how to grow!

Being a founder is a hard choice that is only for some! Being queer is not a choice; it is a fact of the heart. “

Cofounder, Mentaport

Global reach with a local focus

By connecting queer founders from various backgrounds and regions, we are not only enhancing the innovation landscape but also creating a supportive network that empowers individuals to thrive.

The Flywheel starts with founders

We act as connectors between founders, investors, and operators, starting with the visionaries who initiate new products companies, and even markets.

Founders all across the globe

Whether you're in San Francisco or Singapore, Prism offers a platform to collaborate, learn, and grow.


The collective valuation of member companies

Queer founders within our community represent the forefront of innovation and entrepreneurship.


Leading the queer revolution

Queer individuals worldwide are driving a monumental shift in the global economy.

We are queering the innovation economy

With a focus on technology and collaboration, we provide the tools and community you need to thrive in your founder journey.


Unconventional is good here.

By creating a dynamic ecosystem, we facilitate the exchange of knowledge and resources, enabling founders to realize their mission, and providing investors and operators with access to innovative companies.


We are queer and we are here. Your identity is a way to connect with others. Prioritizing collaboration and understanding, we create a network that's both resilient and adaptive.


Get inspired by the stories, and playbooks of other successful queer founders. We cultivate an environment that goes beyond traditional business connections with an emphasis on individuality.

Teaming up with leading organizations to amplify queer voices


Learn more about our membership application process
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What is Prism, and who is it for?
How can I become a member?
What resources and opportunities does Prism offer?
How does Prism support diversity and inclusion within the entrepreneurial community?
Can allies of the queer community get involved with Prism?
What makes Prism different from other entrepreneurial networks?